Thank you to CBS Austin for helping us raise our voice to spread CARY’s messages of youth empowerment.
CARY Kids are in need of more funding for mental health so they do not end up in the juvenile justice system, which has proven to lead to further involvement in the criminal justice system, as students age into adulthood. We need to work together to close the pipeline to prison.
Together we can break the cycle of incarceration by empowering students with the skills to become successful and productive adults!
CARY clients need to feel safe in a time of uncertainty, and we are the best-positioned organization to help our at-risk youth remain resilient and healthy. CARY Kids are in need of more funding for mental health so they do not end up in the juvenile justice system, which has proven to lead to further involvement in the criminal justice system, as students age into adulthood.
The post CARY on We Are Austin appeared first on CARY4kids.